The light passing through the prism splits the white light into the seven colours commonly known as VIBGYOR, which is what we are taught to look out for as children whenever we can spot the occasional rainbow; counting all the seven colours before it blends into the endless skies.
These colours go far beyond the rainbow world. They form the basis on which our major Chakras operate. The seven colours each correspond to one of the seven major Chakras. Beginning from the top we have the VIBGYOR going down to the Root Chakra which is represented by the colour Red.
The Root Chakra stands for being grounded, for being stable and when we find ourselves being out of balance in some ways in this area we know that that is out of sync with the divine rhythm of the Universe.
The other Chakras all have their colours too. Sacral Chakra is depicted by Orange colour and is all about the pleasures of life, the sweetness of life.
The Solar Plexus Chakra is Yellow and is all about the power and the potential.
The Heart Chakra is Green and all about love…this may explain why my healing company is called ‘Green Heart’ and the tag line is ‘Growing Love’…
The Throat Chakra is Blue and all about communication and the Third Eye Chakra is Indigo and all about the divine vision.
I want to focus on the Crown Chakra which is represented by Violet colour. This colour has started to appear in my spaces in large quantities. I recently took a photograph of a beautiful Orb in my bedroom and when I enlarged it on my computer screen it had the most beautiful shades of violet in it. Little pinkish edges and lots of violet. Violet represents the Crown Chakra which indicates one-ness. Pink is the colour of compassion…
It is all adding up as I look around and I just know it has this explanation behind it.
After the longest time of feeling that I am going to get there soon, I feel as if I have arrived and the Universe is validating this for me by showing the internal me reflected in the colours of my world.
I feel this deep compassion for everyone, everything. The birds on my window, to the electrician, to the people whose posts I read on facebook or yahoo groups. I feel one with the whole Universe even though many people would have been termed as strangers by me just a short two years ago. Now they are all part of the whole that I am also a part of.
There is a deep bond that is being formed energetically with those that are not in the immediate physical proximity and the feeling of distance is a distant thing. J
I am part of the One. I feel part of All-that-is. I am operating from the Crown Chakra.
When Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs was learnt by me in school way back in Std. 5 in Pune, it had been explained by the teacher that very few people reach the top most part of the triangle – Self Actualisation. I remember thinking to myself, ‘I will get there. How difficult can it be?’ More than 30 years later I feel I am there, and yes it was quite a ride; I can understand now what the teacher meant when she said that. It was totally worth it though. So if you are already there you will perhaps smile as you recall your 'I am One' moment too; and if you are on your path, ‘trust that you will get there’ is what I would like to say to get you here with ease and comfort, joy and gratitude and a lot sooner than it may have taken others to cover the same distance. The Universe is supporting the 'self-actualisation' process for those that wish to tap into it.
It would be an interesting exercise to understand what colours do you see in your world? That would give you an indication of which chakra of yours you have started resonating with and also perhaps the focus area of your life right now. It can also indicate that the chakras just below it need attention and clearing. It can be a wonderful journey to understanding yourself.
If you wish to clean, energise, align all your Chakras call me anytime. Meet me or we can do it distant too – we are all ‘one’, and there is no distance that is far enough when we are in the one-ness space.
Love and Light,
(In a healing session the Masters explained that 'Purvi' means completion. My present colours indicate I have entered the 7th Heaven in the rainbow of life…and now I am complete and I will complete my mission now).
© Latika Tripathi 2011.