12 March, 2011

How “Deep” Is Your Love ???

The love that a mother feels for her child is unparalleled, they say.
I know that as true in my experiences.
However this does not mean that those who have no children do not know what “deep” love is, and that to experience deep love one must be a mother first.
I have read about people termed as ‘crazy’ who left all their inheritance to their ‘cats’ and not their human cousins/ relatives.
Perhaps we need to understand that love is a soul connection and not a 'human' bond one makes. It really does not matter to the soul if the soul that is present on Earth is a much loved ‘cat’ or a much loved child. What does matter is the soul contract and the karma which brings or rather binds them together.
Love is truly the most abused words ever, if there is any research done I am sure that this will be confirmed in statistics too.
There are so many things attached to it. Some say true love, some say deep love and some say genuine love. Who started this variation in love?
There is only one KIND of love in the Universe. The soul knows it very well, as the soul has and continues to operate only from that at all times, and that is simply love as the mother feels while looking at the child – what we term as unconditional love.
One doesn’t have to be a mother to experience and express this kind of love. It is a result of soul growth. The more your soul grows the more you are love. The more you are love the more your soul grows.
Love cannot be deep, true, genuine etc., it just is something that is to be experienced without any tags. And when it is experienced in the correct essence that it is coming from the Universe, then leaving all the wealth to the cats does not feel crazy at all.
From the one that loves to love,
Love and Light,
© Latika Tripathi 2011.


When someone is ill and/or old and we have an awareness that they are about to leave the body, our acceptance of their departure is a lot better than let’s say when people pass over all of a sudden like in an accident or a Tsunami for instance.
Death steals in, is what they say. One cannot know in advance when it comes. It happens when it happens, and nothing can be done to prevent it.
Why then do we not live each moment in our lives as if that could be the final one?
Why then do we leave things for another day?
Is it because we somewhere believe that our time is not yet up?
Is it because we believe that by doing so we may be postponing our end?
Is it because we are afraid to die?
Is it because we are living in fear?
And if we are living in fear, we really aren’t living at all…and then it will be no surprise that it will catch us by surprise.
There is something to consider here – if we do live free of fear (of death or of anything else), it ceases to have a hold on us.
If we surrender, it all works out beautifully.
And yet we hold on. To our dad. God please do keep him alive for 5 more years. Or our spouse who perhaps is suffering and ready to leave the body – God please keep her/him alive.
We want them to live longer because we are afraid of what will happen to us after them.
Hmmmm, grave thought this one.
Give up the fear.
Give up the control.
Give up the need to hold on.
Surrender. Give in. Flow.
One thing is sure, you will meet them again. Either here or there.
Surrender. Give in. Flow.
They will come back in better forms.
Surrender. Give in. Flow.
That is the way of life. And no surrender is greater than surrendering the fear of death.
Breathe easy. Till you can.
Love and Light,
© Latika Tripathi 2011.

Look Into My Eyes

In a typical Past Life session the hypnotherapist guides the client to look into the eyes of the past life character to recognize them in their current life.
This is one of those very beautiful, difficult to put it into words kind of scenes that take place in every session. The sense of recognition of the soul that played a certain part in another time and space by looking deep into their eyes and simply knowing who they are in this present life is ‘huge’ to say the least.
There is joy, wonderment, amazement and surprise. The one thing that is not there is disbelief. The client just knows. The recognition of the soul through the eyes is the easiest and yet the surest ways to take the session into the ‘conviction’ part – which some clients ask after being brought out of the deep hypnosis – ‘Did I just make it all up?’ They never do that if they have seen the eyes and recognized the soul as someone in this life. Immediately the puzzle falls into place and the picture becomes clear.
I too have seen many eyes and many souls that are playing parts and will be soon playing parts in my life. I have done some future progressions, so the future souls have been shown too.
What is even better is that the client can do this even by not needing to be hypnotized by another. Sometimes we just look at someone deep into their eyes and go – ‘I know you…', and if we were to simply allow our sub-conscious mind to show it to us we would find out it is true.
Self-hypnosis is one way to do this. I teach this very simple, very easy technique to those that may wish to get more lives understood while living this one to the fullest.
Do make sure you live this one to the fullest, life is too precious to let it just pass by.
Love and Light,
© Latika Tripathi 2011.