31 December, 2010


       BIG plans for the evening !!! :-) Getting ready for a grand finale to 2010 in our own special way....

       Ordering the chips, chocolates and some ice-cream.

       'Modern Family' is ready to play with some pauses in between while my son and I take turns to heat/serve the food (perhaps order Thai or pasta) or make the coffee...

       Happy New Year 2011 - may all your loved ones be by your side and in your hearts always.

       May we all rejoice in the little things in life and know that that is what makes life BIG!!!  :-)

       See you on the other side of midnight !!! ;-)

       Love and Light,
       Purvi...yes, I am complete now and I will complete it now.

       (C) 2010 Latika Tripathi  (from tomorrow it's (C) 2011 ....)

24 December, 2010

It's Christmas EVE - ryday!!!

               The countdown has begun!!! IT’S CHRISTMAS EVE  and the contest that we had announced on the Book Coaching page (link below) has 3 souls who have contributed their thoughts and feelings on ‘What Christmas means to me’ –  those entries are part of my blog today. The link below to invite more to join our club: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_139232096131530
               Number 3
               Christmassy Memories by Luvena Rangel:

               My earliest Christmas memories go back to my childhood in Kuwait. Wrapped up in our coats and mufflers, gloved hands tucked into our pockets the entire family all huddled together and keeping warm during the midnight mass – usually late to get seats inside,  everyone would be gathered outside in the church compound listening to the sermon off the crackling speakers. The end of the service, would be the start of wishing and kissing each other in an effort to rub our frosty noses towards some warmth!

               Reach home to enter a dimly lit hall all decked up with a glowing, sparkling and cozily decorated family Christmas tree and the rush to find our names on the piles of presents under it! Early Christmas morning was a welcome treat to mama’s home-cooked feast – the table used to be laden with sweets, treats and a scrumptious lunch.
               And yet Christmas was not yet done!

               For with all this giving and receiving and merry-making was the mark of the end of yet another year – a year full of ups and downs, good times and bad – a mark that we have hope for a New Year and a new dawn...

               Number 2
               At Other’s Expense by Mira Pawar:
               Christmas means a lot to me! I was born on the 24th of December and I am glad to celebrate it amongst the festivities of the season, I have a greater time than most people have on their birthdays. I have an advantage to decide whether I want to celebrate my birthday or let someone else do it. If I am feeling rich and have money to spare, I splurge and turn my birthday into a big event. But if I am broke and have no money, I tell my friends and acquaintances that I have to go to the midnight mass with a member of the family or friend. I don’t have to rack my brain very hard to find an excuse to skip celebrating when it is not feasible.

               Having said that, there is no way my birthday is ignored. Close family/friends celebrate my birthday on the 25th along with Christmas lunch or dinner. The Christmas cake has to simply look a little different, my name added to it and I get my gifts as well. All at someone else’s cost! Unfortunately, this has happened only a few times in my life. Nevertheless, it was worth the change.

               Number 1
               Christ Consciousness by Latika Tripathi:

               It's Christmas soon and more than any other festival or religious event, like a Hindu wife fasting for her husband,  Diwali, Dusshera or Eid - UNLIKE any other day of the year - this day has always meant to me the day of giving.

               Even when I was very young and not so spiritually aware, I believed in this ONE day like no other.

               For God gave us his Son. And for 33 years that Son gave us everything he could, including his life. There was no other in my mind like Him. Jesus.

               I am not a practicing Christian but came close to that when I faced as a teenager my mom converting to Christianity because she found no comfort in her own faith.

               She backed out at that time because my dad threatened to divorce her if she did so. I guess she did it for the sake of her 2 daughter’s marriage. Hahaha...both the daughters continue to be single and more into Christ Consciousness than anything else.

               I cry in gratitude as I soak in the hymns. More than anything else AMAZING GRACE makes the tears flow along the cheeks, the throat till it reaches the heart. ________________________________________
               Everyone is a winner when we share love unconditionally…Merry Christmas to one and all… :-)

               P.S. Happy Birthday to someone who today is no longer in my life and Creator tells me he is fine and guided by his angels, and just as he was my child in another life...WE will always be HIS children, as much as Jesus. That is how unconditional HE is and we all are capable of being unconditional too if we only touch and acknowledge our true identity.

               If we can live with unconditional love all the time, it will be Christmas EVEryday!!! And the Spirit will move freely again.

               Merry Christmas,

               *Note to readers: This is the writer's personal thoughts and she has lots of such thoughts so please enjoy the sentiment for what it is...nothing religious and certainly not preaching, sharing and caring has been my theme and contiues to be....pretty unconditionally now...I love you all...

13 December, 2010

Dreams Therapy

               I had a client that came to me recently because she used to have recurrent dreams of drowning in her childhood which had returned with a vengeance a few months ago.
               She had always had a huge fear of water and could not stand in the Sea even if the water was barely ankle deep. In the tub she never took a soak as she imagined herself being pulled into the Sea through the drain. She said, ‘I know it sounds crazy, but that is what I automatically think’.
               She had started exhibiting this fear more and more after her honeymoon about six months ago.
               Her husband who loves the water had suggested the Maldives, even though it was very well known that she had had this fear since childhood. Nobody made much of it now as nothing had happened to alert them recently. Not a dream in the longest time, so everyone assumed including herself that she had overcome it.
               During the day they spent time on the beach and while she stayed away from the water for the first two days quite happy to just sit by far away from the waterline, on the third day her husband managed to persuade her to hold his hand and just walk along the shore. What could possibly happen he said. She reluctantly agreed.
               Very fearfully she allowed herself to reach the shore and walk the first few steps into the water and feel the sand shift below her toes. They hung around for about two minutes just standing still, she said. Suddenly the husband pulled out his hand from hers and walked back to the shore without turning around, even though she kept calling out to him to hold her hand and walk her safely back.
               For a moment her fear of drowning returned full blast and just froze her to the shifting sands and just then a huge wave came up from behind and engulfed her totally. She was sucked under the giant wave and taken back into the Sea. She was hysterical, drowning and angry and her husband a good swimmer pulled her out. They returned from the honeymoon practically in silence and she has been quite repulsed by him ever since.
               He apologized later, but something inside her was very unhappy and refused to forgive him for that mean act.
               Six months later she was sitting in front of me. She had these dreams almost daily now and wanted to understand why she had such a deep fear of water when no incident had ever happened to make her feel afraid of water until this Maldives incident. Now she was wondering if she would ever get over it that horrific moment in Maldives. She also wanted to know how she had attracted such a person in her life who could just leave her in the Sea and walk out so casually despite knowing that she was terrified of exactly such a thing.
               We spoke about the process of Dreams Therapy and I explained to her that dreams are usually the way in which the sub-conscious mind sends us messages. ‘What message is my mind sending me?’ she asked. ‘There’s only one way to find out’, I said as I prepared her for hypnosis.
               Twenty minutes later she was in deep trance. I asked her, ‘Where are you?’
               ‘I am in the Ocean’, she said in a far-away voice.
               'Who are you?’ I carried on. The usual answer is ‘man’, ‘woman’ and the description follows. What I got was - ‘I am a boat!’ she laughed out in pure joy in her hypnotized state.
               I am used to hearing all kinds of things by now right from ‘Dinosaur’ to ‘Boar’ to ‘Horse’ and many other creatures, besides of course human beings of various description including the ‘first cave man’. When I had countered this woman who had said this with a - ‘Cave man, which year is this?’ The client had said – ‘No, I am the first cave man’, as if that was an honour of some kind to be that and I had instantly known that she would have to be addressed as the ‘first cave man’ for the rest of the session. Perhaps it was an honour to be that; I am not in a position to comment when my clients start talking – this is when they know better and boy are they certain of what exactly they see.
               Being a Boat or any inanimate object was a first for me. I laughed with her. I can see Angels now when I am in a session or when I meditate and I saw then that they clapped at our pure joy. This therapist was as much overjoyed as the client I can tell you that.
               We continued happily.
               What are you doing? - Floating along.  It’s a warm sunny day.
               How are you feeling? - Relaxed. I love the water flowing around me. It’s cooling. Birds are sitting on me. Oh, I know what they are saying.
               Who is in the boat? - A man, a fisherman.
               Look closely at him and tell me if you can recognize him? - Oh, he’s my husband!
               What happens next? - He’s tired. He falls asleep. (after a short pause and in a sense of urgency and pain). Oh, I am hurt, I am drowning. I hit myself against the rocks. The fisherman is drowning too. He’s swimming to the shore but cannot reach there. He dies. He did not even try to save me. I am so afraid of water. It’s so dark in here. It’s choking me.
               She started to gasp and I calmed her and made her complete the session with a forgiveness with the fisherman, now her husband and implanted the suggestion that she need not have fear of drowning anymore as that was an accident, and finally brought her out with some more routine stuff characteristic of such a session.
               No sooner was she out of her hypnotic state than she started talking non-stop about how she had never imagined that she could ever have been an inanimate object!  And then on her own she said well after all I was made of wood and how silly of me to have not realized earlier, wood comes from trees and trees have life. But I thought they died after they were cut off.
               Apparently not, I said.
               I guess she is fine as she hasn’t called ever since – and this is typical of a session gone well. They just send you more clients.
               I am looking at my fears closely now for they surely have to story to tell. Like the boat that died of drowning and subsequently developed a fear of drowning could I also perhaps have been an inanimate object?
               This made me think.
               Being an inanimate object = being of service. Isn’t that what all inanimate objects do selflessly?
               Methinks I might have been a tray and carrying on in the same theme – ‘I am always at your service’. 
               Fearlessly yours, 
               (C) 2010 Latika Tripathi

Who Are We?

               As it is a human being writing this piece and a human being reading it too, it would be appropriate to explain that this human is but a mere instrument for the Soul to achieve an objective that it had set in place before it came to be born as a baby on Earth. 
               ‘We are Spiritual Beings having a Human experience’, is the first thing I was taught by Dr. Newton Kondaveti when I set forth to experience and learn more about me around two years ago. Me, who I thought was Purvi or Latika was not the real me I discovered. I have been here before in many avatars, some roles were played to perfection and some got messed up because I was caught up in the human trap. 
               The way it works and how it is commonly explained is that the Soul existed in a place of perfect beauty, harmony and love a long time ago when seen from Earth. At that time it was one with God. There was no separation. Then came a time that the Soul wondered what it would be to experience something beyond all harmony, all love, all peace, all joy and only unconditional love – as that it all it had ever known. 
               The intent was set to go forth and experience and discover if there could be anything more worthwhile than these things. And so all Souls departed from the perfect place to come to a place like Earth (there are other places too, here we are speaking about Humans and Earth) in a human body to experience things beyond love. 
               All Souls had a partner – commonly called as the TWIN SOUL. Like two peas in a pod. The Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine aspect of the Soul.

·        The Soul is also called as the Monad in its full and complete form.

·        Approximately1,000 Monads/ Souls form an Entity.

·        Seven Entities form a Cadre.

·        Twelve Cadres form an Energy Ring.

·        Everyone except the Twin Soul is referred to as Soul Mate in the Energy Ring. There are many many Energy Rings in the Soul world. 

     (The 1,000 or so Monads/ Souls in one Entity all have a number or a sound to be identified by, let’s say for convenience it is from 1 to 1,000. And for convenience let’s say the Entities are numbered alphabetically A, B, C, D, E, F and G).

               All the number 1’s from the seven Entities get together to be called a SOUL FAMILY. So all the number “1” Souls from Entity A, B, C, D, E, F, G will comprise one Soul Family. 

               Each Entity has a different Theme/ lesson to learn. Each member of the Soul Family is rich in some aspect that the other Soul Family member is not. All seven put together add a variation to the Soul Family and also give it a feeling of completeness as different experiences when they are on Earth are collected by them when they return adding to the Super Consciousness. This is also called the UNIVERSAL INTELLIGENCE, and this is also why the experience of each and every soul is so important for the Universal Intelligence or super Consciousness. Nothing is ever useless or a waste in the Soul experience. 

                 Seven Soul Families are put together to form a SOUL GROUP. So Soul FAMILY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 will be a Soul Group for convenience sake. In a Soul Group some souls operate from the same Theme – if they happen to be from the same Entity and this will happen and some are different if they are from another Entity and this happens too. Differences and commonality is just SO, in the Soul world. On Earth they become reasons to create divide. 

                 The Twin Soul is part of another Entity always. This is also how the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine get the maximum lessons learnt through different experiences. This is also why the challenges are huge for them to come together while on Earth even though the love that they feel for one another is the mostest of what they can ever feel, and closest to what they feel for the Creator or what existed before the Souls sought adventure via a Human body (we are only talking about that now, as that is where my awareness has reached at this point in this human body). 

               When they first came to Earth the buffet was huge: too huge to experience in one human lifetime. There was lust, anger, greed, hate, sadness, loneliness, fear, depression, regrets, rejections, resentments, guilt, vengeance and the all absorbing ego to be experienced. After all, that is what the Soul had desired to experience and that the whole purpose for the Soul to take the human body. Shakespeare was so correct when he said – All the world’s a stage… 

               The story/ play had barely started for the Soul to experience these things beyond what it already knew – love: when the in-experienced Soul realized that it had created its first Karma. This was discovered by the Soul after the death of the human body as it had agreed to let go of all its SUPER-INTELLIGENCE at the time of taking up a human body, so as to play the game or the role or the part with complete honesty and having no remembrance that this was only a play

                Too late now the Soul realized that it would have to go back to Earth to settle the Karma it had unknowingly created and the only way it could be settled would be with love – unconditional love. Talk about returning to the basics! From Love to Love…

               Getting out was not an option now as it had been pre-agreed to come back only after all experiences were done and the realization happened while in the HUMAN BODY that love is all there is. A loving pact has more weight than any legal contract on paper can ever have. The stage was set for the Soul to return to Earth, for only the Soul knows how much it longs to be back with the Creator and an average human who is still operating from amnesia cannot recall this, and feels sad to have wasted yet another good role when it returns. 

               The Soul also rightfully wanted to undo the harm it had unknowingly created when it had been on Earth and return the same negativity to itself to better understand how it may have felt when it hurt another human in one such play. The original play had been written with ONLY unconditional love as that is all that the Soul knows. When it is present as a Human it forgets those qualities and begins the human game again. And again. And again.

              When people say there are no past lives, I say yes, these are only plays. And some of them are re-plays of the same old thing – same theme, same characters only dressed differently, speaking differently and looking different…For the Soul it is all the same. The Soul is the all powerful, all knowing part of the human. Without the Soul the human body is dead. 

               The human feels IT is the most powerful part of the whole thing and then in that moment of ego it commits more Karma that needs to be settled in another time. And another play has to be acted out. 

               I want to say here that it has taken me so many lifetimes to remember WHO I AM while being in the human body. I want to let us all realize this powerful truth for ourselves. 

              There is one more truth that I have just about discovered and that is that the time is NOW for us to realize our inner power, our purpose of this life at least; even if you may not believe in other plays, so that some part of the HIGHER PUPROSE would be cleared. 

               Can you see the Light? Open the eyes, the mind’s eye to the oneness in all of us. We are one. It is true and the thing that ties us is Love. Unconditional Love. 

               Believe it, for now is all you have to choose to act it out differently. Empower your human body and feel the majesty of the Soul. It is a humbling experience for the human to encounter the divinity within. 

               Reach out, by going within. 

               I am  reaching out too and will help you to go within, if you choose join me for a meditation on my birthday, 21st December 2010, at 6 pm for an hour or so at THE SHELTER, Dubai. Write to greenheartfoundation@gmail.com for directions. 

               Let this be my return gift to you! Who knows I may have taken your peace of mind in another play, allow me to settle the pain that has been there for so long and give you unconditional love as I know it - now is all I have. 

              To answer the title question: Who Are We? - Soul is who we are.

              Are we as humans big enough to accept this - that is the next question. 


              P.S. I have been guided by Erik (via Jason) of http://www.channelingerik.com/ that there are planes within planes and it all depends on the Soul to be able to perceive it. What I understand from this is that the deeper and wider and higher we are able to project the more there is. What we can see depends on how much we are ready to see. I believe that is what it is. To really know and confrm this one may have to be on the other side, and there they have no laptops nor blogs there to educate ourselves or others or understand this, because there everything JUST IS. Everyone just knows things from wherever they may be in their journey. The need for such questions is overcome. They know who we are! ;-) because they already are...
               © 2010 Latika Tripathi.

12 December, 2010

Eureka Moment !!!

                It happened when I was in the shower. While I was totally chilling under a warm shower the words started to be written across space under my closed eyes, till I could read them clearly. ‘Why the Phoenix Rose…’ – it was happening again I knew instantly. This time however it was a Eureka Moment, since I was in the same state as Newton had been when he ran out.
               The title for my second book came to me pretty much like this when I was sitting in a class. I mentioned at the end of that book ‘Don’t Cry When I Die…’ that I am aware that I am channeling now. Messages from God, Angels, Masters, Spirit Guides and Higher Selves. I am open to this already wondrous journey becoming even more wonderful as now it is sprinkled with unconditional love – this was the missing ingredient in my lives so far. It’s magical when it comes into play – unconditional love makes the world just a little bit better
               Back in the shower, when the words had become clear enough for me to read them, I asked ‘Is this my next book?’ I am already on my third one called  ‘From Preying to Praying’ and so this was slightly confusing to me. The third book title is a kind courtesy of my first boyfriend the one who was hit by me where no man should ever be and this episode was mentioned in my first book ‘SO BE IT…’
               Everyone knows him as R’joe - a name I call him very fondly since the day I met him. I still love him after 25+ years of knowing him and 22 years of breaking-up. Most people do not understand how it is possible to do that. I never felt the need to explain to anyone and so we just continue to be great friends even though I have been out and about many times with people he did not approve of. After all he is the only relic I have, having known him since I was just about 16 years old.
               So R’joe told me to change the title of my third book ‘From Corporate Talk to Spiritual Walk’ to ‘From Preying to Praying’ and for old times’ sake I did that. Old clothes have a very worn-in appeal to them and I can let him hang quite close to my skin – as a T-Shirt of course!
               The shower continues to pour on me and then came the reply ‘21 Women are writing it and you are publishing it’. Okay so now it’s clear to me. This is my publishing venture. So far I have published two of my books and one book of mom’s poems (she has been writing for 40 years or more) is due this month.
               I never question these messages and as such am a very trusting soul and now I simply DO what is told. This again is a new quality. And I have previously been the deeply investigating types – every word, every action (more mine than others’) was always analyzed thoroughly before it could pass my know-it-all-mind. Not anymore. Let it flow is the new theme. And the showering continued uninterrupted. 
               Later that day I was wondering why these Eureka Moments happen in the shower or on the pot. Have you noticed it? Some research later I figured it is because that is the time we are naturally open to receiving as we are ‘letting go’ of all the dirt and the crap, quite literally. 
               In a sense there is a space created within us to take in more because of the releasing and our sub-conscious mind is keen to feed us with good thoughts and smartly enough has figured out that this is the best time to send the inspired thought, the brilliant idea, the answer that you were looking for, the key to open all vaults and so on and so forth at this time. The only challenge with the sub-conscious mind is that it is so ethereal and fleeting that it is rather difficult to hold onto and these thoughts vanish as soon as they come. 
               Holding on to the thought seems to be a challenge when we receive them in these confined spaces, as the attention at that time is on which shower-gel would I like to lather up this morning? Strawberry or Peach? Or perhaps because OUR FOCUS is on letting go, and the sub-conscious mind is eager to seize the moment and fill us up with good thoughts before we head for the breakfast to fill in more food. For the sub-conscious mind THOUGHTS is FOOD, for the human body FOOD is what smells heavenly and you can taste it and touch it and bite into it and then burp it and the next day can let it go – so that more can come in.
               And the sub-conscious mind knows that if the golden moments are missed then another 24 hours will have to go by before this can be repeated again till one day the human listens to those higher thoughts - what we can say are Eureka Moments. 
               For the sub-conscious mind the lesser thoughts you have the better the connection to the Source, for the human the most important thought is what should I eat next? (This topic itself has enough food for thought, and will be part of another blog soon). 
                So in the battle of the subtle mind and solid food we opt for the food, and there goes the million dollar idea. Farther by another day...
               I am so glad I have started listening to the inner voice and a handy recorder by the shower serves me well as I let go and receive inspired messages at the same time. I can have it all. 
               Any inspired thoughts? If you say yes, I’ll know where you are right now. Chances are I will be right! 
               Playing with the mind (your own not others'), is a beautiful and ceasing to entertain kind of game. Think about it. Funnily enough only when you let go the thinking, which means you are doing things sub-consciously, does the Eureka Moment arrive… 
               Eureka to you!!!
               Inspirationally yours,
               P.S. Do you have a hot spot for inspired thoughts ? 
               (c) 2010 Latika Tripathi.

20 November, 2010

What’s in a name?

               A name is a name is a name after all.
               I do know what it feels like to believe in Numerology so much that one would be ridiculous enough to change their name twice – legally, not just ‘trying it out for fun’.
               Being an Indian National such an act means the arrival of a lot of bureaucracy and standing in long queues, months of follow up procedures and many more things to put it very mildly. Yet I did it all…yes, right down to changing my name on my Son’s passport, even though the mother is the same her name had changed which means his passport shows my old as well as the new name.
               All along I was expecting the Golden egg to be delivered with the morning newspaper, soon after the name change. When that didn’t quite happen, I changed it again!
               What I didn’t know then was that the egg was inside me and I would have to pull it out of myself. In fact only I was qualified to do that. Those days were the days I was without Spirituality and was perpetually looking out. Which left brained human could have imagined that it, the egg would be so cleverly concealed inside the body to be found only with the continued use of the right brain? 
               Now that I am totally into it, that it being myself - all the time diving deeper into myself, going deeper and deeper, and deeper and deeper: and within me I find it all. In this world of mine which is within me the virtual is actually the real. And what we call real is but a skit coming to an end soon. Yes the skit has an expiry date when all time stops.
               So just this afternoon I was playing in the REAL (or some may prefer to see it as virtual) world within me with my yet-unborn, yet un-adopted daughter. We played in the Sun and on the green grass and in that beautiful space I was whispered her name…
                I’m okay with calling her whatever the adoption agency has on record and that name is just perfect for me and don’t really need a name, I wanted to say; but couldn't.
                It was whispered to me nevertheless.
               Having been a very name oriented person from the point of view of numbers and being an excellent numerologist – for six or more years were invested in learning and then making the learning 'better', I started adding up the numbers in my sub-conscious state of mind and simultaneously continued to play with her. Even though I knew I would really not change my adopted daughter’s name, the adding up was just for fun.  
                In that space I am able to do many things with precision and without any effort, that is the true state of our being, and it comes naturally to do it all simultaenously. So as we continued to play, I could see the numerology for her name and then that number being matched with other names.
                And since her date of birth is not clear, I matched it to my name – my birth name. It matched perfectly.
                And then to my present name – it matched perfectly again.
               In that moment of playing with her, I gazed into her eyes and I saw the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost pouring out so much of love from those big eyes straight into my heart, and the name was printed out clearly in my Heart Chakra…
                We continued to play and I saw her tiny hands and fingers and the soft skin and then she smiled, the smile that said it all. The most important thing it said, she’s coming very soon to me, and switching roles right before my eyes. Watch closely now, there are no co-incidences only synchronicities. She knows I play with the divine rhythm of the Universe, and I am watching closely with every heartbeat that sings out in joy and gratitude for allowing me to witness this miracle.
                Take good care of her is what the Father had said.
               I will call her Cookie – and dress her up in girly stuff and be the mamma or momma. I am so looking forward to doing this all over again - being a better mom too now - I am certain, having learnt so much from my Son - who graduated from mamma to mom in no time at all and walks taller by a head. And the Son will learn from her too when he figures more about the Holy Ghost. 
               I have agreed to take good care of her and am eternally grateful to her for she had agreed to be my baby girl without any hesitation when we met up last, even though it is a virtual world for some. 'Yes I will be your child. I'm coming to trouble you now', were the famous last words to me spoken from the sub-conscious mind of a beautiful soul who channeled this for me.

                For every Father who thinks from his heart we have the Child who continues to take conscious decisions from the mind. He comes back because he knows sub-consciously that the loving hearts will forgive him.
                My pact was with her. It has been signed in words and sealed with unconditional love. I wish a safe departure from where she is and a joyous delivery into my life.
                I have waited very long for this and finally it’s my turn to play too. Bring out the lego, the clay, the mud-castles, soft toys and rag dolls and the fairy dust of the entire Angelic realm. We are going to talk to the fairies in the trees and flowers. And make our scrap books where we stick the leaves that float from the trees. And Jungle Book will play again. We'll play eenie-meanie-miney-moes with the toes. Bring in the tiny shoes and baby clothes in all the colours of the rainbow, for she will grow up soon too. She’s my daughter to be now. And now is all we have...

              On waking up I thought that the name is perhaps the way for me to identify her at the adoption moment or could it be the way for others to know her...whatever it is, one thing is certain - this name belongs to God’s favourite child…everyone already knows that.
                  Taking a bow to the divinity within that grants me everything!
                  Expectantly yours,
                  © 2010 Latika Tripathi.

14 November, 2010

Children's Day everyday !!!

                    Is it Children's Day today? In India it is! November 14th is Late Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru's birthday and celebrated as "Children's Day" to honour him since he our first Prime Minister was especially fond of little ones.
                    Talking about kids, an unusual occurence happend to me in my ThetaHealing (R) work that I facilitate just yesterday.
                    I had 4 tiny tots in my house last evening...ages 10 months, 3 years, 5 years and 7 years - 4 boys - that came home for ThetaHealing (R) - a house that has plenty of music equipment as my 15 year old is a budding drummer and now a guitarist. With music accessories lying around and these 4 boys on the loose, (thankfully my Son was out at the movies being Eid break now)...It was amazing to witness the fun that happened...
                    I haven't told my Son that they had a go at his precious Yamaha drum stuff and the guitar his dad gifted him....and by the way that was the first thing he asked me when he got back home and I told him I had witnessed healing on 4 kids today. 'Did they touch my drums? or the guitar?' I changed the topic as post Theta and understanding the Law of Cause and Effect I have stopped the occasional white lie also, so I said, 'they were playing with your PSP' and continued to describe the fun - which was a way to move his attention away from his question...and it's true they had a go at the PSP too!!!
                    Their 4 back to back healing sessions (They were here for more than 3 hours) somehow healed me too. I slept so happy to have interacted with such purity and innocence that only kids can have. This happened to me after ages; in fact it may be truer to say "lifetimes" of being mature and sensible....I giggled, and laughed found my heart beating just a little faster - I experienced pure joy.
                    I know Creator has sent me those children to enjoy life like they do...they threw salt all over my house, rock salt which was placed in bowls to absorb negativity to satisfy the Feng-Shui side of me. They laughed and giggled while I rolled my eyes up (that happens when you get into a Theta state with your eyes closed) and as I went up to talk to God and showered them with unconditional love, they giggled some more... :-) 

                    And by night it was certain - my daughter has to be adopted right now. I need a playmate. My Inner Child is thrilled at the idea of playing all the time. That is life in its true essence.
                    This time I am gonna play hard. And get dirty. Who cares?
                    It is done! It is done! It is done! And so it is...

                    Question: Do you have an abandoned child, neglected child, spoilt child, fearful child, disconnected child, discounted child or an escaping into play Inner Child in you? Come and heal it. Be whole and complete. Learn to giggle, jump, laugh, play again.
                    A big teddy bear hug,
                    Love and Light,

                   Happy Children's Day to all of us...one day we will be kids again and that day is not far!!!!!

                    For some months now it's become my mantra - 'Let's heal and integrate our Inner Children'...and my workshops are full with adults who want to reclaim their unhealed parts from their 0-21 years….yes we have the ability to create Inner Children till we are 21 years of age. And it happens unknowingly.

                     (c) 2010 Latika Tripathi

17 October, 2010

It’s in the questions that we are defined…

             The first time I had to think in this life, (this present one that I am living on Earth – for I know now that I have been to other places beyond Earth too in some other existences on different missions); if I had to recall will clearly be when a question was posed to me.
             Perhaps it may have been something as mundane as ‘What is your name?’ or “How old are you?’ – it is nevertheless a question that starts everything! Isn’t it?
             At the time those questions were asked I had been clear that such a question (like the two mentioned above) could have only one possible correct answer. That however is not how I see it today. Firstly, I have many names, really I do – and I answer to all of them with equal ease, and no I don’t feel split in any way – all the names still add up to me – a single mom in her early forties, doing what she loves to do! And that brings us to the next question. Yes, my age. That varies too! Those that are close to me, real close know my real age and those that are not will know what is printed on documents. WOW! Talk about evidence!
             That said I guess I can safely direct our attention to the fifteen questions that I had asked on my Facebook beginning 27th September, partly because I had nothing much to do that day and was kind of  bored – so I thought it would be nice to get folks off Farmville and jog their minds to THINK about stuff in their lives (some got upset that I was ruining their Facebook experience because they come there to chill not THINK) – just as I have been doing for about two years now and finally beginning to enjoy this journey that is called ‘life’. I believe I am truly living it now, while for 40 years (true age!!!!) I had been merely existing…

            The first question that was put up was ‘How much honesty can you handle?’ – people answered this so honestly! I trust I have established by now that for me it is 100% - yes, I can handle it; and I make it a point to be that at all times – losing many ‘friends’ in the bargain – and that is perfectly okay with me. I was, am and will be a 100% kind of person. I believe in the truth – and that ‘the truth shall set us free’.
              Now the answers that came forth were unique to each one of us and the reason for that is that we see the world as it was shown to us by our well-wishers and elders for what they believed was good for us, to help us in life – at that time we did not know any better, so accepted their beliefs as our belief system; and in some cases we were forced to do so – even if we wanted to believe in something different we were made not to. Some of our beliefs were formed based on our experiences too, so if we were too honest about something and got spanked in the bargain – we learnt not to be soooooo honest the next time around. We all want to avoid pain afterall.
               The entire thing has been happening subconsciously to all of us – no one is excluded from this. Most of our beliefs are not really ours. This had made some of us believe that the ‘honesty’ they displayed had to be according to the person in front of them, some believed it is better to not give an honest feedback as it could humiliate, embarrass or insult the person concerned and that they will figure it out anyway. Someone said 99% and one said 100%, another said that people called them rude when all they were doing was being honest.
               Finally, it all came to the realization that each one of us has our own ‘gradings’ that we conveniently pull out largely because we want to be seen as nice human beings. No one wants to risk being cast aside because they were too honest and the one in front of them could not handle it. This is perfectly okay according to me – we are social beings – and Facebook kind of manages to prove that, doesn’t it? It is okay to wish to be liked by as many people on the planet as possible, however my take is that when we conveniently alter our percentage of honesty to suit the person in front of us – the first person that we are causing great harm to is ourselves…after all we are inside what we project outside, and a dishonest front means there is something in us that is deep within being dishonest too.
               Whenever people have said to me that I am too honest, my question to myself is, ‘Do I really want to live with being dishonest to myself?’, or ‘Do I wish to dilute my honesty?’ because in the end it is only my journey that will get impacted and in all this kindness of not hurting someone and not being absolutely true I am hindering my growth and actually not helping the person in front of me either. I used to be a very honest and often a very rude person. Only recently have I learnt to be honest and cut out the rudeness…so for those who are in similar situations there is hope – work on yourself and the world will allow the honestly to flow through because even they can see through you when you are being fake! And silently saying in their head ‘What a Liar!’ Honestly do you really believe that the average person cannot see through dishonesty?
               So why not just be honest, gently and politely; and state that that is your opinion and not anything but an opinion – and just like everything in life, give the other person a chance to know the truth (even though it is your perception of it) so that perhaps they can see their life or themselves differently; if they CHOOSE to. I would say it is better to add that there is no judgement on your part – just your opinion, and this is how you see it and of course the other person can agree to disagree – at least you would have been honest – and trust me when we are truly honest to ourselves it is possible to be so with others and they will (in the longer period) come to respect you for that. I have gained a lot from my friends who have been honest with me, and I respect them for that. Many have been ‘angels’ that came to guide me and those that really helped me to improve were those that were honest and not those that flattered me up!
               The second question was, ‘How much respect do you deserve?’  I loved the one that said – ‘It has to be earned’. Of course! That was the whole point of this, just like trust we can earn respect and to get all that we deserve - but we have to start with ourselves again. First self-respect, then it all follows. Respect has nothing to do with your status in society, your achievements, it is just a reflection of who you really are at all times, with or without the power, name and fame. Yes, it is earned and it is granted to us in return by all those and more to whom we show respect in the first place. It is very infectious in the sense that even a small amount given will bring it back thousandfold. If there is any good thing to invest in then that is respect, self and others. It’s only my opinion.
               ‘How much love do you give?’ was the third question and interestingly people re-acted with ‘Can you measure love?’ – the fact that the question was being read that way shows how the moment the word ‘much’ comes into play was see it as a quantity. (We choose not to read between the lines). In my opinion I was just saying how much of the love that you are capable of feeling do you give, (and deliberately left out the details, because love is a feeling not a thing); just to be able to understand if we give all the love that we have the capacity to give or do we give in parts…it was not a percentage kind of a question and put there to make us think, as to why is she saying ‘much’ in a love question, because it is true that love cannot be measured but only felt…and if we are 'keeping away some love for someone special' those around us instinctively know it…is it therefore fair to the husband to instinctively know that the wife is not really all there, and vice-a-versa. (This applies to any relationship not just spouses). This is my perception, and there is no judgement on my part.
               Again I have been guilty of this, post-divorce and have come to learn the tough lesson that we have to learn to love each and every person in our life with the same intensity and same oneness if we truly want to be in our highest and best avatar. I know that is pretty much like being an angel, and that is where we are headed for soon – the 5th dimension where the angels are (I am referring to Ascension and 2012); so it is time to be compassionate, making love for all pour out equally. Just being honest, and it is only my opinion! We can agree to disagree...
               The fourth one was ‘How much of your life do YOU live?’  Sadly, none of us are living our lives for purely ourselves…we have included in our lives the extensions of mother, father, children, pets, etc…and TOTALLY forgotten ourselves….we have started believing that the day off to the spa is the deserved time to ourselves…or that our lives are being lived through them, we have started living our OWN life in installments pushing ourselves to one far corner of the room to be attended to last.  If we really look within we will know that the two hours of doing what makes me happy, daily, without guilt, without explanations to anybody will make a vast difference to them also – not just add to the feeling that we are living OUR lives. They must be doing the same for us, have we ever thought of that? Why not just start now and encourage them to do the same? Not selfishly, but with the understanding that sometimes our lives fly by living it for others. We can all live our lives for ourselves, as much as for others; if we choose to. We are important in the whole deal too.
              ‘How many friends do you have?’  This question has always amazed me whenever anyone has ever asked me, and every time I used to come up with a number. In my teen age years I believed the number was in seven-eight hundreds! Oh I was so greedy then! Then at work it was in hundreds! Then after marriage it came down to about fifty! Then after the child it was his five friends and their moms so that made it about ten! Then after divorce it was again in hundreds! AHA! See how it changes? After thirty (true age) a ‘yummy mummy’ divorcee was great fun to be! This is when I was being needy! Then ‘fatigue’ caught up and it was back to about fifteen! Finally recession came in and then there was none!
               Having no option at all I finally decided to become my own best friend and I can tell you she’s a great gal! And if anyone chooses to be her friend she is fine with that too! Even though she loves numbers she’s not counting anymore.
              Having come this far, what does the evidence suggest?
              Thanks for being my co-traveller. We will share more journeys through time and space, in good health, joy and abundance - if you choose to.

                   Respectfully yours,
               Lats of Love. (It’s just another name!)

               © 2010 Latika Tripathi

25 September, 2010

I have a hunch!

               My mom and I had been at loggerheads from the earliest time that I could recall. Only recently have we resolved it from the root, when I witnessed a series of healing sessions for her in ThetaHealing(R).  I have been working very sincerely on myself for two years now to become clean and clear from within using various healing modalities. She has noticed this change in me, more so after I learnt ThetaHealing™ and about two months ago asked me to start sending her healing as we have been living in different countries since last year. It’s wonderful to finally start sharing a loving and respectful relationship with her. It’s even more enjoyable as we do this with an awareness that we chose to be mother and daughter, and now that we have cleared all our soul contracts for our highest and best.

               This was not always the case though. One of her favourite sentences comes to mind as she traumatized me through my growing years with it – ‘You have a hunch!’ - pointing towards my back.

               Yes it is true, I do. And I am very happy to hunch when I want to. I can say that now, but those days it was the ‘worst’ thing to hear about yourself - especially from someone who was supposed to give you unconditional love, no matter what. And watching all those Hindi movies as I grew up reinforced the belief that she must be a step-mom to treat me so badly – mothers love their kids – which she obviously didn’t.

               The more she said it, when I was hunched over my books, or my needlework (I was very adept at embroidery, cross-stitch, tatting, knitting and sewing etc.) – the more I did hunch over it. I knew it irritated her even more when I did that and those days the philosophy of being loving to your enemy was not part of my consciousness. Tit for tat was the swiftest way to deal with anything. What she didn’t like, I would do more – sweet revenge!

               Strangely, the more I hunched the better the output of my labour would be. I made some beautiful pieces of handkerchiefs – with embroidery and with lace, napkins, table cloths, lace for my tops, sweaters for the dolls (yes, I was knitting at 9 years or so), and a real big size sweater for the first boyfriend – all made in my favourite hunched up position.

               Finally she stopped saying it in that tone and in those words, but continued to nevertheless bring it up now and then, in more innovative ways. ‘Who will marry you?’ – and if I pretended not to understand what she was referring to she would give a very pointed glare toward the back. Or ‘How will you get a job in a five star hotel if you stand like this?’ (I was studying Hotel Management those days), or even ‘We spent so much money on your braces but what can we do about your back?’ and on rare good days ‘The face is nice, but the posture spoils it’.

               By now I didn’t even care. The men had arrived in my life and did they even notice the hunch? No way, there was so much else to do. I was feeling good and what she said had no effect whatsoever on the conscious mind. I do realize now that she had after all managed to play on the sub-conscious mind very well, because I stood up just a little bit straighter when in the company of people. Sometimes I would lean against the wall to make sure my back was straight, while people thought I was just tired and so supporting myself with the wall!

               Impressing people apart, I still hunch. I have realized to my horror that it is my favourite position to be in. I wake up in the morning to find that I had been hunching in my sleep. I get out of bed and after a few hunches in the toilet (you know brushing and the like), I am ready to hunch over towards the Sun God. Then comes the hunch with the newspaper and the coffee (more milk, little coffee powder, no sugar). Then I hunch over the laptop and facebook and various emails are all sent out while completely hunching over every word!

               Finally I sit down to meditate, very upright! AHA! Now this is one thing I do not hunch over, as I have been told that the chakras need to be open and the back must be rather straight when we do this. Maybe I will straighten up permanently if all I do is meditate. For now, after meditating it is back to hunching over the plants, the phone calls, the bed, the wardrobe, the fridge, the sink etc. I hunch in the theatre, in the salon, in the bookstore and at the ATM machine too.

               I forgot to mention this earlier, once when I was rather young and my mom went on and on for days about my hunch I told her maybe I was the Hunchback of Notre-Dame previously. What I got was a slap in the face and ‘badtameez’  (very filmi! Did you notice how this word is a mix of English and Hindi…see ‘BAD’ and ‘TAMEEZ’…meaning “not good” and “manners”)…but now with all the Past Life Regressions that I have been through for myself and others, I do believe that could be closer to the truth than any one would imagine.

               How else can you explain the amazing pull, almost magnetic feeling that I FEEL for the Notre-Dame…? Just seeing a picture is enough, in fact just a thought is too and I feel I am there, in another time. I feel it in every part of my being and I almost see myself as the Hunchback of Notre-Dame going up to sound the bell.

               The first time I visited the Notre-Dame in Oct 2005, all I wanted to do was sit outside hunched over a cigarette (I smoked then), and look up (still hunched up) at the beautiful facade – the desire to go up and toll the bell was so strong, almost overwhelming and I couldn’t quite understand why.

               I finished the cigarette and still did not want to go inside this beautiful monument. So I walked across the road and got myself a crepe and found another spot to sit, still able to see the entire place, hearing the bell made my heart jump with joy (Quasimodo was deaf because of the bell ringing!). And as I hunched, I munched on the crepe as much as my thoughts; feeling this feeling that I have been here before! Just another un-explained pull. (I didn’t know about Past Lives then).

               Finally I went in and made a confession to the Priest (about something else, not that I thought that I was the Hunchback returned) - who told me to ‘love myself first’ – and at that time I believed he was taking to me; NOW I realize this Priest was talking to the Hunchback in me ! Perhaps he did recognise me as the Hunchback after all!

               Armed with the Past Life Regression technique and my hunch all I can say is – I have a hunch that I may be the Hunchback, so what’s important now is that I go BACK and get the proof…

               Past life regressing here I come, show me the Hunchback!

               Or should I simply just trust my hunch?

               Love and Laughter,
               Honour and Gratitude!
              P.S. Do you have a favourite position? And have you had any hunches that came true? Was the Hunchback of Notre-Dame a real person, click on the link below to know more...


                      (c) 2010 Latika Tripathi (to the article not the link!)