31 October, 2011

Hey, you!

One day I woke up and saw a very fresh, pinkish face; free of any marks, blemishes or dark circles around the eyes staring at me from my mirror.

This face has become younger over the years, I thought and smiled at the reflection. She smiled back and I saw the innocence in the eyes after the longest time, just then.

Previously, these eyes have reflected being somewhat sharp, as if remaining alert to some kind of danger or doom 'about to happen'. It was like a state of being prepared for anything. Most likely news that would suggest disaster or trouble from those external to herself.

Over the years she understood that that look in her eyes had been a result of her own creations, and it belonged to her own thought processes. What she thought she created very effectively.

Slowly, she tamed those thoughts and then she noticed the things and situations around her had become more loving, gentle and supportive. She started to look around with some amount of expectation of finding something enjoyable to see, yet some sense of 'too much of a good thing' kept haunting her.

Finally, she was able to let go of the uncertainty completely. She became free of all self doubt, self criticism, self hatred, self undoing and so much more. Then after many days of doing this, she woke up one morning and noticed the purity and innocence in her eyes and she understood what was meant by being a 'child of God'.

She became this whole and complete person when she let go of all attachments and fears, and allowed her 'child-like-ness' to seep into her Being.

This is how we are born. Child-like. What happens then - we all know that from our experiences already, don't we?

So, to make sense of who we are (children of God), it takes a whole lifetime to learn to 'BE' what we were when we were birthed - and for that we have to re-birth ourselves on our own.

We must create ourselves anew.

The YOU which you see in the mirror, do look into the eyes and find out if this is the one birthed by your mother or re-birthed by you? Most likely, if you are on your highest and best soul path, you will figure you had to go through the labour pains on your own to birth the true you (your child-like-ness).

This is one occasion when men can experience labour pains too!

Love and Light,
Purvi/ Latika

(c) Latika Tripathi 2011

18 October, 2011

Be thine own Master

Once evening just before sunset, there were two Buddhist monks walking by a river in silence.

A short distance ahead of them lay a beautiful woman scantily clad, who seemed to be in pain. As the two monks approached the woman, she looked at them and pointing towards her sprained ankle said, "Brothers, please be so kind as to help me to get across the river. As you can see I am unable to walk back home which is close to the bank of the river on the other side".

The younger monk looked away and continued to walk on almost as if he had not heard her at all. The slightly older monk stopped and replied, "Of course".

He lifted her easily in his arms and waded across the shallow part of the river. After leaving her on the other side and ensuring that some of her friends had been called out to, to fetch her; he crossed back and returned to the waiting monk.

Silently the two monks continued to walk on.

After about 25 minutes or so the younger monk could hold it in no more. "Brother, we are bound by oaths and vows; how then could you have touched a woman back there? I have followed all your teachings till now without question and having witnessed what I just did, I am not sure how I feel from this moment onward towards you".

The older monk looked calmly at the younger monk's face and replied, "I dropped the lady about half a mile back, my Brother you are still carrying her".

Moral of the story?  There is no 'right' and there is no 'wrong' - EVER. In any given situation a normal, assumed and accepted wrong could be totally right.  So judge thee nobody, least of all yourself and be your own 'Master' in YOUR situation.

Love and Light, Gratitude and Honour, Success and Happiness to you on your chosen path,

Latika Tripathi/Purvi Beri.

(c) Latika Tripathi 2011.

13 October, 2011

BIG BOSS: Creator's perspective unfolded to me...

Last night as I was surfing to find an interesting programme on the T.V. Channels I was guided to watch "BIG BOSS" (similar to BIG BROTHER) which plays on "Colours" in Dubai at 10:30 pm this season (This is season 5).

Just as I was about to go forward in my surfing process, without any thought on what I really wanted to see; I felt a very strong message being downloaded to me and simultaneously the fingers just got frozen for a split second. The message was, "Watch this programme keeping in mind that this is what I see when I look down on Earth"....hmmmmmmmm, very interesting message. I set the remote aside and increased the volume to my comfort level.

It had already begun about 10 mins ago and this was Day 9 of the show. I continued to watch Pooja Bedi and Raageshwari and Shakti Kapoor and Lakshmi and others whose names I will soon learn...this is the first time I have watched this programme in my life (previously have skimmed through the channel never glancing back) and soon understood the concept.

It seemed innocent enough as it started out and I was wondering what the larger message was that Creator was guiding me to notice.

For sometime it seemed to carry out normally enough. One person was getting irritated. Then it happened...the emotional bodies of the participants just wanted to 'own the stage' and each one started to show (act out) how powerful our emotional and mental bodies are when not used in the Highest and Best.

In the spiritual context once we can master our emotional and mental bodies we are in a perfect physical state and the connection with the Creator is everlasting and oh so strong and immovable.

In this programme however, it seemed quite obvious that the participants were believing this 'act' to be the real thing, as if their life depended on winning the game. Just as we do while we are on Earth.

They forgot that it was a game to be played with Love. Just as we do while we are on Earth.

Sometimes they even forgot that they are being watched all the time. Just as we do while we are on Earth.

And while they are 'in the act' they forget they they would have to pay for it. Just as we do while we are on Earth.

Hmmmmmm.... I thought. I am getting it now.

'Interesting?' asked Creator.

'Very', I replied.

"Come back again tomorrow night and send them 'Love and Light' so that they may realize that all of them can be winners', Creator said.

"Not so in this show', I said.

'It is and will be so if they start to see this show as a subset of the larger show. In My House they will all be winners if they get that sorted out in their 'reality' right now. If they only wanted to make someone other than themselves the winner, it IS so', He whispered.

'I'll come back tomorrow and send them Love and Light', I said; 'so that all of them will be winners should they choose to be so'.

'And so it is', Creator blessed all of us.

In the two nights of watching this, I especially like the mix of participants in the show. Next time I recommend they include a 'spiritual' person too...I mean some one who has mastered the emotions and walks in the Light...because in essence we are all 'spiritual beings having a human experience'...

'Would this be something they would agree to 'PLAY' out when spiritually soooo evolved in a show like BIG BOSS?' was the next thought that occurred to me and THEN IT HIT ME...that THAT is what we are all doing when we come down to Earth...we have all been given a role to play in the CREATOR'S BIG BOSS SHOW...

There is a difference in HIS show though - everybody can be a winner. Everybody that CHOOSES to be.

Tonight (their 10th night) had me laughing out loud around the end of the show (even thought they had a lot of stuff going on); and just as I did that, I heard Creator say, 'Most days this is what I do too!'

Love, Light and Laughter,
The only emotion worth mastering is the one called 'uncontitional Love',


(c) 2011 Latika Tripathi.

P.S. You know where I will be @ 10:30 pm from now - watching it from God's eyes.   :-)  We came here to play. And to make others win. With Love.

06 October, 2011

Emily Bronte (author of 'Wuthering Heights') was a strawberry jam manufacturer near Boston in another life...

Almost two weeks ago a client of mine regressed to the life of Emily Bronte (famous author of her only book in that life 'Wuthering Heights')...much excess baggage was cleared in that session and I got a lot of clarity about myself through her too. We were friends in that life and that explained to me why reading that book in this life had seemed unnecessary...I always wanted to put the book aside after just a few pages - perhaps because the pain she had been through in that life may have been 'refreshed' through the book to my soul.

Healing works both ways, just in case any 'healer' would have you believe that they are doing 'you' a favour, let it be made abundantly clear that the very same moment as the healer witnesses the healing on the client they 'naturally' end up healing themselves too. Sometimes it is very profound and other time very subtle that it is not realized by even the most sensitive and tuned-in healers too. (When I cry in any session as soon as my client cries or just after that it releases some 'hidden' things from my space).

Nothing in life on Earth is ever a one way street or a single sided process.

This evening the same client regressed to the life of a successful strawberry jam manufacturer who was located somewhere near Boston. Interestingly the name matched when we googled for 'him' after the session was over...with a cup a hibuscus tea for 'her' (she was back to 'her' this life) and toast for me...(on which I felt like dobbing on a large amount of strawberry jam, and did just that!)

The said company STILL EXISTS and is in Ontario (the farms are located there, as per the googled information)...that's close enough to Boston and the name of the man and the founder matched...

Now that's the fun part about regression just in case you are wondering what makes me go!

To lots of tea and toasts, with strawberry jam made by Emily! (Now telling 'his' name would be telling...)

Love and Light,
Purvi/ Latika.

(c) 2011 Latika Tripathi.

02 October, 2011

Energized Books...

I am an author of meta-physical books. All the books that I have written, have happened to me at the time I needed to learn the most about myself, or about life beyond 'death', or about Angels that come to Earth in human bodies (I am one of them, from the 'Cherubim' group of Angels in the Soul world), and the mysteries that the human experience is all about the unraveling of...

Now that I start working on the 4th book, INTO THE LIGHT, which is about the cases that I have enjoyed witnessing healing on my clients; as a Therapist - I am certain that this book too will lead to the remembering of the inspiration, joy and purpose in my readers - just as the earlier ones continue to help my readers all the time.

The first 3 books which are: SO BE IT (2009, my autobiography to finding my life's purpose), DON'T CRY WHEN I DIE (2010, my past lives remembered and the journey of a Soul from Earth to the Soul world) and FROM PREYING TO PRAYING (2011, why Angels come to Earth and the interaction of the humans and the Angels) are all available individually as well as in one Omnibus edition called the THRILL-OGY OF A CHERUBIM...they are all my experiences and so it is fitting to call it thus. My life has been a Thrilling ride and continues to be even more so with the new pure creative energies of the Divine.

Since I am also a Healer I have energized all the books (yes each and every copy and every version of it) in Creator's perspective so that each one that buys these books, reads them, shares their messages may download into themselves the Highest and Best in their lives if they choose to!

The covers of all the books are attached below and all these books are available worldwide. To order email: DhruvPublishing@gmail.com

Set of 3 books. SO BE IT, DON'T CRY WHEN I DIE (channeled by Buddha), FROM PREYING TO PRAYING (channeled by Babaji).
USD 45 + Shipping. Pages 606.
Includes 3 covers of each book within, 2 Colour photographs of Buddha and Babaji, Colour Relationship Chart and B/W illustrations. This is a collectors' edition.

2. SO BE IT (2009):
Third Revised Edition.
USD 15 + Shipping. Pages 206.

3. DON'T CRY WHEN I DIE (2010):
Third Revised Edition.
USD 19 + Shipping. Pages 240 + Colour Relationship Chart and B/W illustrations, Colour picture of Buddha.

Third Revised Edition.
USD 15 + Shipping. Pages 186 + Colour picture of Babaji.

5. NE PLEUREZ PAS QUAND JE MOURRAI (2011, French Translation of 'DON'T CRY WHEN I DIE):
USD 15 + Shipping. Pages 240 + Colour Relationship Chart and illustrations

In India these books are available in stores and can be ordered to your doorstep by calling 9650.457.457 in Delhi. Add "0" if you are calling from outside Delhi and "0091" if calling from outside India.

You may also buy the Ebooks on www.DhruvPublishing.com

Continue to be in your best avatar at all times, and grow in every way that you desire.

Love and Light,
Purvi. (as author Latika Tripathi)

(c) 2011 Latika Tripathi.