20 April, 2011

'There’s something about Purvi...'

I know how vain that sounds. And to be very clear, I have been told this exact statement ('there's something about you Purvi...') to my face by guys so often in the days gone by. Never once did I look deeper into it other than as a statement used by them to make me feel good – often because they thought they would get something out of me.
When recession came at the end of 2008 and slapped me on my face, my bums and pretty much every part of my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being; is when I truly dived within and started to understand what was so special about Purvi.
Yeah that person I am writing about is me. I am deeply in love with myself. And still it's not vanity. Read on…
At the beginning of Creation when Vibration was necessary for things to be brought forth a group was created who would be in-charge of this function and I belong to that group.
This group was the second one to be created after the Seraphim Angels whose role is always to be beside the Creator. The second group that was created was the Cherubim Angels and they can move about. This is who I am in the soul world - a Cherubim. The Cherubim are in-charge of moving the vibrations around the Universe as well as keeping the Akashic records.
Ever since I figured this out, my whole understanding of me has shifted. I have deep respect for myself now and all those times that I have chosen to incarnate on Earth only because of the love and commitment I have felt for the growth of humanity at the soul level. I know that in their growing I grow too.
The energies that I play with now are very fine, subtle, pure and full of love. They tell me it is time for all of us to know that Angels have been coming down to Earth (and many other places) on various missions to guide humanity to the Light.
Sometimes the Angels forget who they really are, as this is a part of the soul plan as they get born on Earth...and they become and behave very humanly, as anyway while they are here on Earth they are as much human as any human is. And then they, when the time is right, have to be woken up from this amnesia and begin to be reminded and start to remember who they truly are; so that they may accomplish their mission for the highest and best of all. 
This is what happened to me starting in May 2009, when I went deeper and deeper into the hole; and just around the end 2010 it was over...I found out who I am, even before I spoke to the one that confirmed it. All the recessions of the Universe could do nothing more to me as now I knew how miniscule that was in the scheme of things that I had agreed to do before coming to Earth.

In fact I had agreed to be part of this 'drama', this 'act' as the one that would lose love - (yes, even the twin soul - and I bless him so that he may grow from this experience too), money (locked away so safely that no one can get it out before the maturity) and have no job (I chose to resign just before recession came), be betrayed (promises made and then then not fulfilled) and rejected by close friends and family, have low health (face and skin full of marks for no reason at all, well perhaps it was 'stress') and everything else that Earthlings consider important. As this would help me to figure out my inner self in this manner on this plane of existance. This was part of the pact as we (those that help us from behind the veil) knew that only then would I truly begin to find out 'myself' and eventually my mission. This is how things work in this dimension.

The only thing I had allowed myself to keep in my soul plan as I played out this part of 'Purvi' (the one who is complete or completion) was HOPE - and hope is what made me go on and on and on and is making me float with all the Angels now. 

I am sharing this journey of Purvi's from Angel Land to Earth, and her mission to the bringing of Heaven to Earth in my next book – “From Preying to Praying”. Some may like to call it fiction. In truth there is no fiction.
www.LatikaTripathi.com and www.DhruvPublishing.com will sell the book by July 2011.
Yes, there is something about Purvi, and if you say this to her now – she will smile because she now she knows what it is.

'I am that I am'.
Love and Light,
©Latika Tripathi 2011.